Monday, March 07, 2005

Comedy Revisited

Ah Sunday the day of rest so rest I did,well that was until Reilly woke me up.This was all forgiven as he had a great suggestion to go to Spitalfields Market,pretty good idea for a Sunday really.Now I hadn't been to the market in a while and god its got bigger lots more food (hmmmmmmmmmm food)which we enjoyed to its full carried on round market and looked at stuff I couldn't afford.
Wheres the comedy you ask.
Well Mr Reilly hatches a plan go south of the river again (jesus may as well move there)to Brixton Comedy club which is really a pub with a comedian or two.This usually is a turn off for me as the thought of amateur(usually code for ''Shite'') comedians drives me insane due to 3 years of working in comedy festivals in NZ and Edinburgh.
Luckily this night was to be saved by the bill (get it),compared by Daniel Kitson (absofuckinglutely brilliant) I had forgotten how good daniel is at ranting comedy turning his stutter into an act of genius.Even as a compare he is an act unto himself.he then intoroduced the following.
Dan Antipolski,who is quite dark and very clever,top notch,Some Australian Guy who had a very good routine about taking LSD (wouldnt know myself),Scott Capurro who is a San Fran gay comedian who I have worked with twice and don't like at all hence why I sat thru his routine with a face like a smacked arse but I suppose he could be funny.
Then we had 2 quite strange men that did funny songs,the first of which was so-so but the second which was based around amphetamines was side splittingly funny ,I nearly laughed my self into incontinence.
Then it was the headline Rich Hall who I have had the pleasure of working with many times,and would go see again and again as he has some great anti bush humour,mixed with his own southern way of taking the piss out of his homeland,the great US of Arse.
Oh and I forgot the funniest bit,before the evening even started the woman in front of us lit her ciggie and cought her fringe alight,biggest hair fire ive ever seen ,she was ok though so i can laugh.
Hurrah my comedy bones have been revived and all for only £5.50 cheap at half the price (whatever that stupid saying means).
I nearly went into horror after this though when i realised I had missed the last tube,I thought oh fuck here we go again but thank god it all went smooth bus on time no yobs no frozen testicles.

Might make a Sunday habit out of this.

Even better I stayed on the wagon all week and weekend Hurrah


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