And the beast goes on
Well here I am at the aend of a rather uneventful day when finally i get the latest news from the good ol' U S of Arse.
Following the great placements of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State which made me think 'hold on she is a real nazi oil hungry bitch'.Then there was John Bolton placed in the UN as the American representative which leaves you thinkin WTF.
The bombshell today was that mad warlord Paul Wolfowitz has been placed as head of the World Bank,thats right the World bank.
For those of you who dont know Wolfowitz,well lets just catch up on him;
1989-93: Under-secretary for defence policy
1986-89: US ambassador to Indonesia
1983-86: Assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs
1981-82: Head of state department policy planning staff
2001 to date – Deputy Defence Secretary (and was a strong advocate of the Iraq war.)
Now are you all thinkin what I am?
Whoever the puppet masters are that have they're hand up Bush jnr's ass really know how to play chess,all the pieces are just falling into place unchallenged really.
So when it all kicks off in Iran are we gonna hear the words 'check',and who is gonna say 'checkmate'.
This sort of carry on is just staggering belief,and to top it all off it was followed by the 2005 Budget.
All together now;
And a spoonfull of Prozac makes the politics go down,politics go down.
Sountrack for life Update;
Search and destroy : Iggy and The Stooges
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