Monday, December 12, 2005


Oh it’s finally arrived,yes it’s here the time when people take the Christmas deco’s
From the box and replace the space with they’re brain.i forgot how bad it was till
Last week when I was driving through the outer rims of London at night to be blinded by
The decorations on houses obviously owned by morons.
I mean not only do most mere mortals go into a frenzy of consumerism on the high street buying tons of worthless shit but now the amd consumerism moves into the utility suppliers in the form of stupid electricity bills courtesy of a flashing santa and a few glowing reindeer.
It’s lucky none of them are my neighbours as I would be scaling they’re roofs armed with a pair of pliers.
I don’t want to sound like Uncle Scrooge but isn’t Christmas a right pain in the arse, I mean we have to put up with people madly shopping with no brain , being bombarded with marketing thrusted at you from every direction and shit TV for days and then there’s the closing of all the shops and pubs for days grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
It’s sort of like when you were kids and one of your mates pretended it was they’re birthday to get some attention or presents,so surely since there was no Jesus and the whole fucking thing is a myth we can just call it off.
We don’t need some mythical date to make us buy people presents,how about if your out and you see something that you think ‘ooh so and so would like that’ then just get it for them,or if one of your mates does you a favour then get them something nice,instead of waiting all year to turn into a consumerist moron because of a myth.
So if your going to turn into aforementioned moron why not jsut have lunch and spend the rest of your money on families and children who have been struck by poverty or disaster and there's plenty of that around at the moment thanks to the good ol US of Arse
Bring back feeding them to the lions I say.
New movement ;

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